How to Transfer Website to Squarespace

Transferring your website to Squarespace could be the best decision that you make because if you are looking for a simple and basic website builder that gives all the requirements to manage your business in one place and without complicated design features, Squarespace is the right place to grow your business online.

The other reason that I am thinking of letting you enter this article is saying to yourself that transferring a website to Squarespace is something complicated, which is not. In this article, I will guide you step by step on how you can transfer website to Squarespace. I have done this migration process by myself many times on different platforms, like migrating websites from WordPress, Shopify, Wix, GoDaddy, Webflow, and Weebly to Squarespace, and I am sure this guide will help you transfer your website to Squarespace seamlessly.

Why Transfer to Squarespace?

Before diving into how to transfer your website to Squarespace, let’s explore some reasons why website owners choose Squarespace:

1- User Friendly Interface

Squarespace offers a simple and basic website drag-and-drop editor, which you can use to make any changes you want on your website pages easily, and a dashboard that allows you to control everything in one place, like editing your site header and footer, changing your template, and editing your website fonts, colors, and buttons.

How to design page with squarespace

2- All in One Platform

Squarespace is an all-in-one platform where you can manage your business as you want with ease in one place. It provides hosting, security, and customer support, so you don’t have to manage multiple providers.

3- Responsive Design

All templates are mobile-friendly and adapt to different screen sizes. Also, you can choose from different templates, the one that fits your website. requirements if you are looking for templates for your blog, online store, or portfolio. Squarespace offers a bunch of examples that you can choose from. They have professional and optimized templates. If you are still confused about which platform, check our article below about the best Squarespace examples to get more inspiration for your website:

4- SEO and Marketing Tools

Squarespace provides marketing and analytics professional tools to help business owners track their website and business performance, and this is all in one place. To access the analytics to form the dashboard, click on analytics, where you can track all your website traffic, engagement, and sales. Start with data from one day to the last 30 days. 

If your business is about offering bookable services or taking appointments, Squarespace allows you to make scheduling that lets you create appointments and manage everything easily. You can access the scheduling tool from your Squarespace dashboard, and Squarespace will guide you step by step in all the processes.

5- E-commerce Integration

If you are thinking of using Squarespace for e-commerce, it could be a good option for you because they offer the tools that you will need for your business, and they have amazing templates that you can use for your website. It is recommended for small to medium e-commerce businesses.If your business is about offering bookable services or taking appointments, Squarespace allows you to make scheduling that lets you create appointments and manage everything easily. You can access the scheduling tool from your Squarespace dashboard, and Squarespace will guide you step by step in all the processes.

Now let’s dive into the details step by step on how to transfer the website to Squarespace, and we will start with evaluating your current website content and identifying the elements that you need to transfer.

How to transfer website to Squarespace step by step tutorial guide

Step 1: Evaluate Your Current Website

The first thing you need to do before migrating a website to Squarespace is analyze the content that you need to transfer. Make a list of the essential pages and features that you want to transfer to Squarespace. This includes your content (blog posts, pages, and your media) and SEO settings (meta descriptions, URLs, alt text, and keywords).

Make sure to make your SEO settings transfer correctly by creating a spreadsheet and typing all that SEO information so once you are willing to optimize your SEO content on Squarespace, it will be easy to put everything in the right place. I recommend you read this article about how to migrate WordPress to Squarespace. I dive into this step with examples, and if the website that you want to migrate is in WordPress, jump directly to read this article because I explained everything about migrating WordPress to Squarespace.

The last thing you need to migrate is third-party integrations like email lists, forms, and plugins. SquareSpace doesn’t support transferring third-party integrations automatically, so you need to do it manually by recreating them.

Step 2: Choose a Squarespace Plan

The next step is choosing your Squarespace website plan. Squarespace has different pricing plans that you can choose from. You need to look at the plan that fits your needs. I recommend reading this article about Squarespace pricing that will help you choose the right plan for your business.

Squarespace Pricing Plans image

Squarespace pricing starts at $16/month for the first plan, which is recommended for small websites with small budgets. The second plan is the most popular business plan, and it costs $23 per month. It is the best choice for small businesses and entrepreneurs who want simple e-commerce functionalities. The third plan is Commerce Basic, which costs $28 per month and is recommended for eCommerce businesses, and the last plan is Advanced Commerce, recommended for large businesses that look for advanced eCommerce functionalities, and it costs $52 per month.

If you are still confused about which Squarespace pricing plan to choose for your business, you can start with the free 14-day trial.

Step 3: Create Squarespace Account

After choosing your Squarespace plan or starting your free trial, the next step in this transfer website to Squarespace guide will be about how to create your Squarespace website.

To create a Squarespace website, enter Squarespace and click on Get Started.

How to create squarespace website step 1

In the next step, Squarespace offers 2 options that you can choose from to start creating your website: either using one of Squarespace’s professional templates or creating one with AI.

I recommend choosing a pre-made template, but you need to do your research and find the best one that fits your website needs. Read more about Squarespace website templates in this article that will help you find the best Squarespace templates for your website.

How to create squarespace website step 2

Step 4: Import Content to Squarespace

I recommend importing your current website manually; this way is more efficient. and to do it manually, copying and pasting the content from your old site into the new Squarespace pages. If you have an alt of pages and blog posts, use tools like Google Analytics or Google Search Console that will help you optimze your pages URLs and content.

Make sure to optimze each blog post with the right title, URL, meta description, and content. Also, while you design and optimize your pages, make sure to upload your image and media files in the place that they should be. the last thing is design your Forms, Widgets, Custom Features and used Third-party integrations avaliable for squearspace.

The second option you can use is importing your content automatically on Squarespace. If you are using Squarespace, it allows importing content from platforms like WordPress and Blogger. If you’re migrating from one of these, follow these steps:

To import content to Squarespace automatically on your dashboard, click on settings

How to Import wordpress to Squarespace step 1

Choose the import & export content section

How to Import wordpress to Squarespace step 2

Click on Import and choose the platform that you export content from. In this example, I am choosing WordPress.

Import wordpress to Squarespace step 4

If you choose blogger just put your blog url in the section that it will appers then the migraition will start automatically if you are transefring form wordpress to squersacep there are 2 options Basci and advanced. Basic requires you to entert your webiste url and your wordpress login for exmaple admin, admin.

The seconde option is advanced option which allows you to import your content trough the export file . XML that you export from wordpress after that click on being import all the migraition process it will done in just few minutes.

Step 5: Redesign your Squarespace website 

the next step that you need to do after importing content into squersacep is optimzing your content and redsign your website for a better look.

Let’s start with how to enable your pages on Squarespace. to enable a page on Squarespace from the left sidebar on the dashboard, click on pages

optimize and redesign your website on Squarespace step 1

All disabled pages will show in a gray color to enable any page; hover over it and click the gear icon beside the page title

optimize and redesign your website on Squarespace step 3

From the popup that will show, scroll down and click on Enable Page and Save Now. The page is alive now; start designing it as you want. 

image shows how to enbale Squarespace page

To edit a page on Squarespace is simple; just choose the page that you want to edit and click on Edit above. In the corner, Squarespace is offering a simple drag-and-drop editor, which allows you to edit almost anything you want. To edit an element on a Squarespace page, just click on it and choose Edit Section.

optimize and redesign your website on Squarespace step 4
image show how to edit a Squarespace page

If you want to change your Squarespace website title and logo on any page, click on Edit above and then edit the site header

image show how to edit Squarespace header
image show how to edit Squarespace title and add logo

From the menu that shows, enter your title and upload your website logo. If you scroll below the menu, Squarespace allows you to add different logo for mobile. Read more about how to add a logo to a Squarespace site with details.

image show how to edit Squarespace title and add logo 2

If you find it is hard to edit or redesign your website, check my Fiverr services about design and redesigning a Squarespace website. I am offering affordable prices with discounts. Or you can check one of your YouTube tutorials about how to create a Squarespace website that may be helpful.

Let’s now dive into the next step, which is doing Squarespace URLs redirection and SEO optimization.

Step 6: Transfer domain to Squarespace

There are 2 things you need to know about before transferring your domain to Squarespace. Squarespace offers two options: transfer or connect your domain. Let’s explain each of them in detail: 

Transfer your domain. It means that you will take your domain from your current provider to Squarespace, which you will be managed on Squarespace, not on your domain provider, like Namecheap, BlueHost, or GoDaddy. Once your domain is transferred to Squarespace, the domain fees it will pay on Squarespace, and the renewal pricing depend on the domain and how much Squarespace will charge you.

Connecting a domain from a third-party provider to Squarespace means linking your existing domain (from providers like GoDaddy, Namecheap, or Google Domains) to your Squarespace website without transferring ownership, and the renewal pricing will be with your third-party domain provider. Squarespace will not charge you anything about the domain price.

Note: If you purchased your domain directly from Squarespace, it will be automatically connected to your website.

To connect a domain to your Squarespace website from your third-party provider, first enter settings and click on Domains & Emails > Domains

how to transfer domine to Squarespace website step 1

Then Click on USE A DOMAIN I OWN

how to transfer domine to Squarespace website step 2

Here, enter the domain that you want to connect to your Squerspace website

how to transfer domine to Squarespace website step 3

Click on Connect domain

how to transfer domine to Squarespace website step 4

Now, choose your domain provider and click on Connect Domain

how to transfer domine to Squarespace website step 5

The last step is to update your DNS settings in your domain provider’s dashboard as you see in the image below. Squarespace gives me the DNS record that I need to update on my domain provider setting. If you are confused about how to change your DNS setting on your domain provider, just search on YouTube. How to change DNS settings in (your domain provider). After you set up everything, wait about 24h to 72h, then your domain will be connected.

how to transfer domine to Squarespace website step 6

Step 7: Url slugs, Redirects, and SEO optimization

It is important to connect or transfer your domain to Squarespace before doing URL redirection and optimizing your SEO content.

1/ URL Slugs

After you transfer your domain to Squarespace, you need to confirm your website page URLs on Squarespace. your old URLs; it should optimize for Squarespace’s Page URLs Structure: For example, if your About page URL in your current website is, it should be the same in Squarespace:

In blog posts, it is different; Squarespace blog post URLs use a different structure. It should be in this URL structure:

If you are going to do all those steps by yourself, it is important to read this article from Squarespace about URL slugs; it will help you set up everything by yourself. On the other hand, you can check my service. I am offering an affordable price, and I will transfer website to Squarespace, fully optimized with no downtime and a highly advanced redesign and test before launching.

To change a page URL from the sidebar in the dashboard, click on pages and choose the page that you want. Hover over the page that you want to change its URL and click on the gear icon beside the page title, then a menu will appear as you see in the image below. In general, in the page settings, you can make changes in your page title, navigational title (the menu), and URL slug.

So, let’s say your old URL of the page about is, it should be the same in squarespace in the URL Slug filed it should be /about

image show how to change a Squarespace page URL and title

You can follow the same process to change any page URL.

To change the URL for a single blog post from the sidebar in the dashboard, click on the blog page, then hover over the post that you want to make changes in, and then click on “settings.” 

image show how to update SEO details on squearspace blog posts step 1

The blog settings menu will appear now. You can change the blog post title from the blog post field as you see the structure of your blog post. It should be like this: blog/post-title dont forget to click save after making your changes

2/ URL Redirectoons

URL redirects are used to send visitors from non-found or inactive pages to active ones.

To do this, you will need to use a 301 redirect that directs visitors to a different URL when they click a link to a nonexistent page.

To create a URL redirection on Squarespace from the dashboard, click on “Settings” choose “Developer Tools“, and then click on “URL Mapping“. 

In this field, you can redirect the format, which should be in this structure:

/old-url -> /new-url 301

image show how to do url mapping on Squarespace

As you see in this example, my old URL is How-to-make-pizza-2024, and the new one that I want to redirect visitors to is How-to-make-pizza-2025, so my URL redirect format will be in this structure:

/how-to-make-pizza-2024 -> /how-to-make-pizza-2025

Take into consideration that each page has a different format; for example, blog posts have their own URL redirection format. To learn more about URL redirection and mapping, visit this article from Squarespace. It covers everything you should know about URL redirection and the formats that you need to use for each page type.

When you do a URL redirect, make sure to mention it in the spreadsheet that you created because that will help you track all your website URL changes, so once you want to make any edits, it will be easier for you to do that in the future.

3/ SEO Optimization

Optimize your Squarespace website. SEO is one of the important steps in this transfer website to Squarespace because you do not want to lose your ranking position on Google or lose all your traffic to optimize your website SEO on Squarespace and start with the home page. Go back to the spreadsheet that you use to save all your page info and the pages that you want to keep. or you can dircetly go to the pages that you want to keep for your curennt website and use the smae info for optimizng your seo this it should be your page seo title, meta description, foucing keywords, Alt text and your page content.

To change your home page title and meta description, go to your dashboard, click on Settings > Marketing > SEO Appearance. For the search appearance, click on Home, and in the field that shows under the SEO site title, it will be the same as your website title that you changed already from the header settings; under the SEO site description, you can put your home page meta description.

image show how update SEO details on squearspace home page

This is for the home page. Let’s see now how you can change your other website pages.

 For other pages like the blog, about, or contact page to edit the SEO title and meta description, choose pages from the sidebar in the dashboard, click on the gear icon beside the page title, and choose SEO from the page settings menu as you see at the image below. From the popup, you can make changes to your site title and meta description, and don’t forget to click on save. 

image show how update SEO details on squearspace blog posts

To change the title and meta description for a single blog post, Back to the Squarespace dashboard and click on Pages, then choose your blog post page, and from the sidebar, choose the post that you want to change, hover over it, and click on Settings, and choose SEO from the blog settings menu. As you did for the other pages, change your title and meta description from the popup follow the image below to see how and do not forget to click on save after finishing your changes.

image show how to update SEO details on squearspace blog posts step 1
image show how to update SEO details on squearspace blog posts step 2

The last step in this part is to optimize your content for SEO. Use proper header tags (H1, H2, H3) to structure your content clearly for both users and search engines. Ensure your H1 includes the focus keyword, and use H2s and H3s to break down topics while incorporating related and long-tail keywords naturally. and Optimize images by adding alt text with relevant keywords to improve accessibility and rankings. Keep content informative, engaging, and aligned with search intent, ensuring readability and keyword variation without overstuffing.

Step 8: Test Your Website Before Launching

You are still not done yet because you have to check if everything is fine, and I recommend starting with checking if there are any broken links and using URL redirection to avoid any broken links. Also take a look at your pages; if everything is set up in the right place, your layouts and design, and check if your website is mobile-friendly and verify that contact forms and other interactive elements. Check if your SSL certificate is activated and your domain is connected well.

After that, double-check by yourself if everything is good, and feel free to publish your site. After you publish your website, make sure to connect it with Google Search Console.

Visit our tutorial about that, where we dive into all the details on how to connect Squarespace websites with Google Search Console. Also make sure to optimize your website for speed. Minimize images and unnecessary scripts to improve load times, and the last thing is to keep posting new content to attract more visitors to your website.

The Best Squarespace Website Examples to Inspire Your Next Project

squarespace website examples

Squarespace is one of the most popular website builders, known for its sleek design, user-friendly interface, and powerful customization options. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, blogger, artist, or business owner, Squarespace offers a variety of templates to help you create a professional online presence.

In this article, we will explore some of the best Squarespace website examples to give you inspiration for your next project. We will also discuss the best Squarespace templates for different needs and showcase some impressive Squarespace online store examples.

squarespace website examples

Why Choose Squarespace for Your Website?

Squarespace is a leading website builder that provides a seamless experience for users of all skill levels. Here are a few reasons why Squarespace stands out:

Professional Designs

Squarespace offers beautifully crafted templates for different businesses that make websites look polished and modern. with professional layouts and elements and the ability to make any changes you want to make your website look better.

how to start Squarespace free trial 2

Ease of Use

Squarespace is one of the simple, easy-to-use drag-and-drop editors. You can make any change on your website pages with less effort and with good-looking design. As well, you can make changes in colors, fonts, and buttons just in one place.

To edit a page on Squarespace, choose the page that you want to edit, and above the page, click on Edit. Then you can choose any section you want to make changes on. This includes your website header, page content, and footer. You can drag and drop any elements you want to your page and start editing as you want.

image show how to edit a Squarespace page

Built-In Features

Squarespace provides built-in SEO tools, eCommerce functionality, marketing integrations, and analytics tools to track your business performance all in one platform. And if you want, you can transfer your domain to Squarespace, which you will have to manage inside the Squarespace platform.

Mobile Optimization

All Squarespace templates are mobile-friendly, ensuring a great user experience on any device, and you can edit your website on the mobile version to fix any issues you may face about your website on mobile.

Best Squarespace Website Examples

Here are some of the best Squarespace website examples that showcase the platform’s capabilities:

Egg Shop

Egg Shop is a restaurant website that effectively utilizes Squarespace’s bold typography and visually appealing imagery. The homepage features vibrant, mouthwatering photos of their dishes, making it an engaging experience for visitors. With an easy-to-navigate menu and online reservations seamlessly integrated, Egg Shop presents a perfect example of how a restaurant can use Squarespace to enhance its digital presence.

squarespace website examples website exmaple number 1

Matt Stevens

Graphic designer Matt Stevens has created an impressive online portfolio using Squarespace. His website features a sleek grid-style layout that showcases his design work in an engaging and visually dynamic manner. Each project is displayed with high-resolution images and brief descriptions, making it easy for potential clients to explore his work.


Lumineux Health is an eCommerce site selling dental products, demonstrating the power of Squarespace’s online store features. The site has a clean, professional design with well-structured product pages, engaging descriptions, and an efficient checkout process. This makes it an excellent example of how to create a successful online store with Squarespace.


The Supernatural brand offers a thrilling, plant-based approach to culinary creativity. Their colorful powder products and recipes are not only fun to use but also a healthier choice for your kitchen adventures!

Best Squarespace Templates for Different Website Needs

Squarespace offers a variety of templates that cater to different industries. Here are some of the best Squarespace templates to consider. All those templates are available on the Squarespace website. When you start creating your website, you can choose any of the templates you want:

Condesa (Best for E-Commerce)

A modern and stylish template ideal for online stores, featuring clean product layouts and an intuitive shopping experience.

Montclaire (Best for Professional Websites)

A refined and elegant template that works well for corporate sites and professional services.

Comet (Best for Creative Portfolios)

Perfect for designers, artists, and photographers who want to showcase their work with a visually compelling layout.

Laurie (Best for Bloggers and Writers)

Designed for content-heavy websites, with an emphasis on storytelling and readability.

Squarespace Online Store Examples


Nomad is a travel gear brand that utilizes Squarespace’s eCommerce capabilities to create a seamless shopping experience. The website has a sleek design, well-organized product pages, and an intuitive checkout system, making it a great example for online retailers.


Velocio is a cycling apparel brand with a modern and functional Squarespace store. The site features high-quality product displays, easy navigation, and a fully responsive design. With bold visuals and well-structured product descriptions, it provides a premium online shopping experience.

Bauwerk Colour

Bauwerk Colour is a paint company that utilizes Squarespace’s design flexibility to showcase its wide range of colors and textures. The website makes it easy for customers to explore different paint shades through interactive product pages and high-resolution sample displays.

Website Example Gallery: A Look at Different Styles

Squarespace offers endless possibilities for website design. Below are different website samples categorized by style:

Minimalist: Simple and clean designs, perfect for blogs and portfolios.
Bold & Colorful: Vibrant layouts that make a strong visual impact.
Corporate & Professional: Sleek, business-focused designs ideal for service-based companies.
Artistic & Creative: Unique layouts for artists, photographers, and musicians.

Squarespace is a powerful website builder that caters to a wide range of industries, from eCommerce to personal portfolios. Whether you’re looking for the best Squarespace templates or seeking inspiration from existing websites, the platform provides everything you need to build a stunning online presence. With its easy-to-use tools and high-quality designs, creating a professional website has never been easier. If you’re ready to build your own website, explore these Squarespace website examples and find the perfect template for your needs!

Squarespace Pricing: How Much is Squarespace costs in 2025

Squarespace Pricing featured image

Squarespace pricing starts at $16 per month for the first plan, and the prices are different depending on which plan you want to choose, and that is what I will guide you here to choose the right plan for your business needs and get a deep knowledge of how much is Squarespace costs.

Squarespace is one of the common-use website builders, especially in creating the online store industry with its own attractive features and the basic use of the platform. That’s why many people choose and compare it to other competitors. Squarespace is a bit expensive at this point; despite that, the Squarespace team is working on offering the new features and great support to their users.

In this article, we will dive into Squarespace pricing plans and explain each one’s features, but before that, let’s see a quick overview of all Squarespace plans and how much each one costs. That will give you a general idea of how much is Squarespace plasn costs.

Squarespace Pricing featured image

How Much is Squarespace Costs?

Squarespace offers four plans. Each one has different prices and features; you can choose one of the plans based on your needs. If you want a basic and small website with fewer features, go with the cheap ones, and if you need to build a professional website with advanced features, one of the expensive plans may be the best option for you. Squarespace offers a free 14-day trial that you can sign up for to try the platform, and then you need to upgrade to one of Squarespace pricing plans to keep using the platform.

  • Personal costs $16 per month: best for small websites with small budgets. 
  • Business (most popular) costs $23 per month: for small businesses and entrepreneurs who want simple e-commerce functionalities to sell online.
  • Basic costs $28 per month: Best for ecommerce websites. 
  • Advanced costs $52 per month: offer advanced eCommerce functionalities perfect for large businesses.

Let’s now dive into each SquareSpace pricing plan and discover each one’s features, which will help you decide which plan to choose that fits your business needs.

Squarespace Pricing Plans Explanation

Squarespace Pricing Plans image

Squarespace Personal Plan – $16 per Month

Squarespace pricing personal plan is recommended for individuals and small businesses. The plan comes with all the necessary features to build small and basic websites.

The Basic Plan is Squarespace’s most affordable option, priced at $16 per month with annual billing. If you opt for monthly payments, the cost increases to $23 per month.

The plan comes with a free custom domain for the first year and unlimited bandwidth so each one can visit your website without any problems. More of that, you will get an SSL certificate for your website security, and visitors can browse your website without any interruption.

Mobile optimization is available in this plan, which makes your website look mobile-friendly, and with the templates that Squarespace offers in this plan, your website will look professional and SEO- and speed-optimized.

This plan is perfect for individuals, bloggers, or hobbyists who need a simple yet elegant website without e-commerce functionality.

Squarespace Business Plan – $23 per Month

The Squarespace pricing Business Plan costs $23 per month with annual billing or $36 per month when paid monthly, offering valuable extras beyond the Basic Plan.

The paln is the best option for business website whthere a samll website or meduim one the plan is offer a wide range of fetauers that help you grow your bsuiness online This includes website analytics that allow you to track your business improvement. and the plan of the ability to register unlimited contributors, which is a big deal if you have more employees for your business.

In addition to the personal plan features, the business plan includes basic e-commerce functions that allow you to sell online, get a professional email to build trust with clients, and the freedom to design your websites. For example, you will be able to You can integrate apps that enable customers to place orders and make reservations while also using forms to store their information in your customer database. Additionally, you can showcase your products on Instagram with direct links to your online store. For more customization, you’ll have access to your site’s CSS and JavaScript code, allowing for advanced design edits. Plus, with Squarespace’s new Fluid Engine editor, you’ll enjoy precise control over your website’s layout and design.

If you need to build a business website that gives you more control and tracks everything that goes on your site with basic eCommerce functionalities to start selling online, this plan could be the best option.

Squarespace Basic Commerce Plan – $28 per Month

The Basic Commerce Plan costs $27 per month (billed annually) or $36 per month if paid monthly. It is designed specifically for e-commerce businesses and eliminates transaction fees.

The plan is a big deal for small to medium e-commerce websites. Unlike the business plan, the basic commerce plan removes the 3% transaction fee, allowing you to keep all of your sales revenue.

The plan comes with advanced features that allow you to scale your online business. This includes essential tools for managing products, orders, and payments; customer accounts for repeat buyers; and a POS integration that is available in this plan. and you can link your Squarespace store to Instagram, allowing customers to shop directly from your posts. With this feature, you can increase your conversion rate and get more sales.

When it comes to design, this plan is done well at this point. You can optimize how products appear with image zoom, quick view, and related product suggestions. Powerful e-commerce analytics allow you to target all statistics on your store for better improvements. In addition to that, you can organize your store efficiently with features like product tagging, categories, and filters. 

If you are not thinking about some additional advanced eCommerce tools like Abandoned Cart Recovery, Sell Recurring Subscription Products, and Commerce APIs, this plan is the perfect option you can choose to start your eCommerce journey.

Squarespace Advanced Commerce Plan – $52 per Month

The Advanced Commerce Plan is the most expensive option in squarespace pricing plans, costing $49 per month (billed annually) or $65 per month if paid monthly. It offers advanced features for large-scale e-commerce operations.

This plan is ideal for large e-commerce businesses and agencies. The plan includes all the basic eCommerce plan features in addition to advanced shipping and discounting features to help you boost sales. Also, the subscription selling offer gives customers the option to subscribe to products or services with automatic recurring payments and automatically sends reminder emails to customers who leave items in their cart, helping you recover lost sales.

Squarespace’s API is integrated only in this Squarespace pricing plan, which allows you to use more automation business operations for your business and allows you to customize every aspect of your online store.

Compare to other platforms. Shopify, as an example, offers a wide range of features compared to Squarespace, but when it comes to the term of pricing, Shopify is more expensive than Squarespace as well if you want more design options. Squarespace is good in that and not more complicated than WooCommerce, which you need WordPress skills to use and set up everything. On the other hand, Squarespace offers everything all in one place.

Squarespace Pricing: Can I Use Squarespace For Free?

Yes, Squarespace offers a free 14-day trial, which you can use to access the platform for free, and then you should upgrade to one of the Squarespace pricing plans after the period ends. The free trial gives you just a trial period to use the platform and allows you to discover if it is suitable for your website needs. The problem in the free trial is the features are limited, which you can’t get all of the platforms at least. That will give you an idea of how the platform works and if it’s a good option for you.

To start a Squarespace free trial, go to Click on Get Started, then navigate to the available templates and choose one that is suitable for your website requirements.

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how to start Squarespace free trial 2

After choosing your templates, it will take you directly to the Squarespace dashboard, where you can start customizing your website and discover all the features that are available on Squarespace. You can upgrade to one of Squarespace pricing plans from the subscribe button below. Make sure before purchasing a plan to test everything on the platform and try to design your website. Squarespace is a simple drag-and-drop page builder that allows you to create professional designs seamlessly.

how to upgrade Squarespace free trial to Squarespace pricing plan

Squarespace Domain Costs

Squarespace offers a free domain for the first year in all Squarespace plans. Annual option. After the end of the year, you need to renew your domain. The price is different depending on what top-level domain you choose; it could be .com, .net, or .xyz, etc.

So, after the free domain period ends, you will need to pay for it + your chosen Squarespace plan. The amazing thing about Squarespace is you can manage everything on the platform even though you registered your domain with a third-party provider; you can transfer it to Squarespace, and you will have everything to manage in one place.

SquareSpace Features Overview

Before we dive into Squarespace features, let’s take a look at Squarespace pros and cons and see if Squarespace is the right choice for your website.

1- Squarespace Pros & Cons

Even though Squarespace is one of the popular and best website builders, and with all its features, we will take a look at all of them in the rest of this article. Squarespace has pros and cons that you have to know before deciding to use it. The pros and cons that I will share depend on many people’s user experiences, so all those pros and cons are shared with different users. 

Squarespace ProsSquarespace Cons
Easy to use with drag-and-drop interface.
Beautiful, professional templates.
All-in-one solution (hosting, domain, e-commerce, etc.).
Excellent for small businesses or personal projects.
14 day free trial
Limited e-commerce flexibility compared to Shopify or WooCommerce.
Fewer customization options.
Higher monthly cost for advanced features.

So, if your someone who look for building professional look desgin website or online store with simple and all in one place squerspace is right for you espachillay they offer all ecommerce functoinalites that you will need to start and grow yoru business. On the other hand, if you want more control over your business with advanced features, it is better to take a look at Shopify and WooCommerce. Both platforms are good for that purpose.

Now, let’s dive into Squarespace features and explain each one to see if the platform is right for you to start creating your website.

2- Squarespace Darg & Drop Editor

You can create any kind of website you want with Squarespace. The page builder offers all types of sections and elements that you can use to edit your website page, and with the drag-and-drop editor, it makes it easier to make changes to your website. 

In addition to that, you can edit your header, footer, website colors, fonts, and buttons just in one place, which makes it easier than other page builders like WordPress.

To edit a section on your website page, just click on it and click on edit section. Squarespace offers a wide range of professional templates that you can choose for your website, or you can create a new one via AI.

How to design page with squarespace

3- Squarespace Analytics Tool

Squarespace provides marketing and analytics professional tools to help business owners track their website and business performance, and this is all in one place. To access the analytics to form the dashboard, click on analytics, where you can track all your website traffic, engagement, and sales. Start with data from one day to the last 30 days. 

squarespace analytics

If your business is about offering bookable services or taking appointments, Squarespace allows you to make scheduling that lets you create appointments and manage everything easily. You can access the scheduling tool from your Squarespace dashboard, and Squarespace will guide you step by step in all the processes.

4- E-Commerce Capabilities

For businesses looking to sell products or services online, Squarespace offers robust e-commerce tools. Users can manage inventory, process payments securely through integrations with Stripe and PayPal, and handle shipping logistics. The platform also supports the sale of digital products and services, providing flexibility for various business models.

Squarespace offers a plan for any type of online store. If your business is small to medium, the Basic Commerce Plan could be a good choice for you. If you are looking for advanced featuers and you are building a large eCommerce business, the Squarespace Advanced Commerce Plan is the best option for that, and Squarespace allows you to add unlimited products to your online store better than some of the other page builders that have a limited number of products.

To add a product or service to your online store, click on products & services, then choose which one you want to add to your Squarespace website.

squarespace ecommerce options

5- Email Campagings

Every website needs to connect with its target audience, whether it’s for showcasing work or selling products online. Squarespace offers a range of marketing tools to help, including promotional pop-ups, featured announcement bars for important updates, and a powerful tool called Email Campaigns.

With Squarespace Email Campaigns, you can automate workflows, engage with subscribers, and track performance through detailed analytics.

Squarespace provides professional email templates, making it easier to create visually appealing and effective emails. This is an essential feature for businesses looking to strengthen customer relationships directly through their website.

squarespace email campings

To start an email campaign on Squarespace, go to the dashboard in the left sidebar. Click on email campaigns. Make sure that to use this feature, you have to choose one of the Squarespace plans.

6- SEO

Squarespace offers built-in SEO features to help optimize your website for search engines effortlessly. The platform includes essential tools like image alt text, mobile optimization, and automatic sitemaps, ensuring your site is easily discoverable.

With the dedicated SEO panel, managing your site’s SEO is simple. Located under “Marketing” in your account settings, the “SEO Appearance” section provides access to a helpful SEO checklist, keyword insights, and metadata previews. You can also hire an SEO expert directly through the platform, making it easier to improve your site’s visibility and reach the right audience.

squarespace seo

7- Security and Performance

security and performance are tow important things you should take care when you build your website squerspace offer high qulity squerty services and ssl certificate that safeguards your website’s data, instills trust in visitors, and enhances your site’s credibility with search engines.

If you are selling online, Squarespace ensures secure online transactions by integrating with trusted payment processors like Stripe, PayPal, and Apple Pay, which handle encryption and fraud protection. All transactions are secured with SSL encryption, protecting sensitive customer data. Additionally, Squarespace supports Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) for European transactions, adding an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized payments. However, two-factor authentication (2FA) is primarily available for securing admin accounts, not for customer checkouts.

Squarespace powers over 314,000 active online stores and has 4.9 million unique subscriptions, with 66% of users being small businesses. The platform receives around 37.7 million monthly visits, with an average of 3.49 pages viewed per session, showing strong user engagement. To boost website performance, users can optimize images, enable caching, use lightweight fonts, and minimize third-party scripts to improve loading speeds. Additionally, leveraging Squarespace’s built-in SEO tools and mobile optimization ensures better rankings and a smoother user experience.

8- Squarespace Pricing vs Competitors Pricing

When it comes to comparing Squarespace pricing with other page builders, it offers affordable pricing with valuable, huge benefits. You might find other page builders with the same value and other benefits, but not budget-friendly. That is what we will discover in this comparison.

Wix VS Squarespace

Wix is one of the most versatile website builders, offering 900+ templates and a powerful drag-and-drop editor that allows for complete creative freedom. It’s also beginner-friendly, making it a great choice for those who want to build a website quickly. Wix has a free plan, but premium plans start at $16/month and go up to $159/month for advanced e-commerce features. While Wix offers more design flexibility, Squarespace stands out with its sleek, high-quality templates and better built-in blogging tools.

As well, Wix is still a good option for beginners. I recommend taking a look at the platform and trying the free trial. You may find Wix the best choice to build your website.

As well, Wix is still a good option for beginners. I recommend taking a look at the platform and trying the free trial. You may find Wix the best choice to build your website.

Shopify VS Squarespace

Shopify is the best option for e-commerce, providing advanced tools like multi-channel selling, powerful inventory management, and over 6,000 apps to enhance functionality. Pricing starts at $39/month and goes up to $399/month for high-volume businesses. While Squarespace supports e-commerce, Shopify is a better choice for large-scale online stores, whereas Squarespace is ideal for smaller businesses or those needing a mix of content and commerce.

GoDaddy VS Squarespace

GoDaddy is known for its quick setup and AI-powered website builder, making it one of the easiest platforms to use. It offers an all-in-one solution with domain registration, hosting, and a website builder, with pricing starting at $11.99/month. However, Squarespace offers far superior design options and customization. If you need a simple website up and running fast, GoDaddy is a decent choice, but for a professional and polished website, Squarespace is the better option.

WordPress VS Squarespace

WordPress is the most powerful and customizable platform, offering full control over your website’s design, functionality, and SEO. However, it requires web hosting (costs vary, but typically $5–$30/month), plugins, and a learning curve. Squarespace is easier to use, with built-in features, while WordPress is better for developers and those who need maximum flexibility. If you want a hands-off website builder, Squarespace is better; if you need full customization and scalability, WordPress is the way to go.

Which One To Choose?

If you are still thinking about which platform to choose, here is a quick overview of which area the platform specializes more in. 

SquarespaceBest for creative websites, blogging, and small to medium e-commerce websites.
WixBest for design flexibility & beginners
ShopifyBest for e-commerce small, medium, or large It is the best eCommerce platform, but the pricing is expensive.
GoDaddyBest for quick, simple websites
WordPressBest for full customization, control & advanced users

Squarespace Hidden Fees

Squarespace has some hidden fees that users should be aware of before committing to a plan.

Custom Domain Costs

While Squarespace offers a free custom domain for the first year on annual plans, it renews at around $20-$40 per year afterward. Choosing an external host like InMotion or Bluehost could be a cheaper long-term option.

Email Costs

The Core plan includes one free Google Workspace email account, but only for new users. Additional accounts require a separate subscription, and for email marketing, users may need to pay for a premium integration like MailChimp or use Squarespace’s limited free Email Campaigns tool.

Payment Processing Fees

Squarespace charges a 2% transaction fee on the Basic plan, but higher-tier plans have no additional fees. However, third-party payment processors like Stripe or Square will still charge their own fees, which Squarespace has no control over. Squarespace also offers its own payment processing service, which operates through Stripe and follows its standard rates.

Is Squarespace worth it

When considering if Squarespace is worth it, especially in terms of pricing and functionality, it’s important to think about what you need. Squarespace is great for users who want an easy, all-in-one website builder with beautiful designs. It’s a solid choice for personal blogs, portfolios, or small businesses, offering everything from hosting to domain management in one package. However, some users find it limiting for more complex websites or businesses that require advanced customizations.

When it comes to SEO, Squarespace covers the basics well. It includes features like customizable meta tags, mobile optimization, and automatic sitemaps to help with search engine rankings. For most users, these built-in tools are enough. But if you need advanced SEO features or more control over your site’s optimization, Squarespace may not provide the depth some businesses require.

In terms of pricing, Squarespace is fairly straightforward, but there are some extra costs to keep in mind. For instance, domain renewals and premium tools like email services can add up. If you’re looking for a simple, all-in-one solution, it’s a good value. However, if you need more control or scalability, you might find other platforms more suited to your needs. Squarespace works best for those who need a beautiful, functional site with minimal hassle.


How much does Squarespace usually cost?

SquareSpace costs start with $16 per month annually for the first plan, $23 per month for the second plan, $28 per month for the third plan, and $52 per month for the fourth plan, and each plan includes different features. Once you pay higher, you get more advanced featuers

Is Squarespace Pricing Plans Expensive?

Depending on the plan that you choose, if you want more advanced featuers to build your online store, you should pay for an expensive plan; however, the basic eCommerce plan is a good option for small to medium online businesses, and it costs $23 per month, which is a good deal compared to other plans and page builders.

What is better Wix or Squarespace?

Wix offers more design flexibility and customizable templates, making it ideal for beginners and small businesses. Squarespace, on the other hand, provides more polished, professional templates and is better for creatives and those seeking an all-in-one solution with advanced design features. Choose Wix for ease of use and Squarespace for sleek, high-quality design options.

How to add logo to squarespace site 2025


How to add logo to Squarespace site 2025: Best guide for beginners

Your site’s logo and name are the first things your clients will remember about your brand. Having a unique logo design is an important step you should take. A logo enhances your site’s professionalism and ensures a consistent visual identity across all platforms. In this article, I will provide a step-by-step guide on how to add logo to Squarespace site.


Step 1: Setup your site title

Before uploading your logo, ensure you enter your title in the placeholder text. Go to the dashboard. In the top-left corner of your site preview, click on EDIT. Hover over the header and click Edit Site Header. Then Click on your site title or logo, then click the pencil icon. In the section that will appear, enter your website name, as you see in the image.

screenshot shows how to change a Squerspace website title. 

Step 2: Prepare your website logo

The next step is to prepare your logo. I recommended creating a logo that matches your website colors without any complexity, making it clear and simple. The next step is to make sure to save it in one of those image formats (PNG, jpg, or gif). Choose the one that fits your logo format the jpg format is preferred with a logo with background and PNG without any background. If your logo is a gif, choose the format gif.The last thing is better to start with a larger image, as smaller images may become pixelated when they resize. If you don’t have your logo yet, I recommend creating one with Squarespace logo or using Canva; it is simple to use, and they offer premade ones that you can choose from.

Step 3: Add logo to squarespace site

After your logo is made now let’s upload it on your website. to upload your logo follow the same steps that I mentioned in changing your website title at this time we will upload our logo click on add logo and choose your logo file or you can drop it in the section as you saw in the image.

screenshot shows how to Add logo to squarespace site

To upload the mobile logo, scroll down in the section and choose your mobile logo file or drop it

screenshot shows how to Add logo to squarespace site on mobile

After that Use the sliders to change the logo height on responsive screens or on mobile to see that your logo is showing perfectly on mobile. Click the mobile icon in the top right of your website preview, then click save to save all your changes. In those few steps, you can add logo to your site; sometimes some issues will appear depending on the Squarespace version that you are using. I recommended uploading to the latest versions, and if you face any issues uploading your logo, contact Squarespace support; they’re available 24/7.

How to add favicon on squarespace

A favicon is a small square icon that appears next to a website’s title in browser tabs and bookmarks. Adding a custom favicon makes your site easily recognizable and more professional. 

Before adding a favicon to Squearcpce, make sure that the favicon works best when formatted as a PNG file and Squarespace favicon size is between 100 pixels by 100 pixels and 300 pixels by 300 pixels, and they display at 16/16 pixels.

To add the favicon to your site Go to your dashboard settings and navigate to the favicon panel. Click on it. You can drag your favicon file or click on Add a favicon and choose your favicon file. Follow the steps in the images below:

screenshot shows how to add favicon on squarespace step 1
screenshot shows how to add favicon on squarespace step 2

If your favicon doesn’t update immediately, try clearing your browser’s cache and restarting it. Sometimes browsers hold onto old favicons and don’t update them right away.


What is Squarespace favicon size?

 Squarespace favicon size is between 100 pixels by 100 pixels and 300 pixels by 300 pixels, and it displays at 16/16 pixels.

What is squarespace banner size?

The ideal Squarespace banner size is 2500 pixels wide.

Best alternatives to squarespace

 There are many alternatives to Squarespace I recommend if you have experience in cms platforms and web design go with WordPress, Figma, Webflow and Wix they are popular and have the same features as Squarespace.

Can I migrate From WordPress to Squarespace?

Yes, you can migrate from WordPress to Squarespace. If you are looking to transfer your website from WordPress to Squarespace, you have to follow a process that includes a few steps, like exporting your website on WordPress and importing it to Squarespace, as well as optimizing pages, posts, designs, and links, etc. Read more about migrating from WordPress to Squarespace. 

How to Migrate WordPress to Squarespace – Best 2025 Guide

How to Migrate WordPress to Squarespace - Best 2025 Guide

Switching from WordPress to Squarespace can help you resolve any problems you’re having on your WordPress website. In this article, we will dive into how to migrate WordPress to Squarespace and show you step by step how to move from WordPress to Squarespace with details without losing your data, damage your links and seo and show you how to redsign your site to match your wordpress website and how to contect domaine with squearspace.

Whether you have small or large website, a blog, a business website, a portfolio, or an online store, this article is for you. I will explain in detail start with how to do a backup and export your WordPress website to activate your new one on Squarespace.

First, let’s examine who should and should not move form WordPress to Squarespace.

How to Migrate WordPress to Squarespace - Best 2025 Guide

Who should and shouldn’t move from WordPress to Squarespace?

If you are someone who is already experienced with websites and you know exactly your purpose, I recommend going further to move your website. 

The biggest problem that makes people move from WordPress to Squarespace is the difficulty of optimizing their websites on WordPress due to the time-consuming work involved in choosing and setting up the right plugins, themes, and other features like hosting, SEO, speed, integrations, and so on. If you are not that kind of person and you want something simple all in one place to manage, I recommend moving from WordPress to Squarespace it is for you.

On the other hand, WordPress gives you all control of your site and unlimited features to build your website, so if your business needs advanced functionalities, maybe staying on WordPress is the best option for you.

If website performance is the only reason that makes you want to move from WordPress to Squarespace, this can be solved, and the issue of this may come from your hosting server, used theme, plugins, large content, or your website not being optimized for speed. If you fix all that and the website performance is still low, it is better to convert wordpress to Squarespace.

According to HTTP Archive data for the United States origins shows that the percentage of good core web vitals for WordPress is 57%, and for Squarespace is 76%. Therefore, while Squarespace provides a more streamlined approach with generally better out-of-the-box performance, WordPress’s performance largely depends on how well the site is built and maintained.

The other thing to take into consideration before moving WordPress to Squarespace is SEO. Both WordPress and Squarespace offer all the requirements to optimize your website SEO, but WordPress offers more choices and greater freedom that you can use to improve your website SEO also Squarespace gives you the ability to handle all website SEO in one place.

The last thing I want to mention in this part moving from WordPress to Squarespace. It may affect your SEO and your links if the migration process goes wrong. That is what we will dive into in this article step by step to make your WordPress to Squarespace migration successful.

Preparation to do before migrate WordPress to Squarespace

Convert WordPress to Squarespace, including 2 things: Converting your content, which includes your pages, posts, and media through importing WordPress to Squarespace, which there are things we can import automatically and manually. We will dive into that.

The second thing we should convert is transfer or conetct your domain to squarespace this step is important in the WordPress to squerspace migration process we need to make sure everything is convert succefuly. 

WordPress and sequearspace are different cms platforms each one has it own functionalities and there some content that we can not import to squerspace automatically or permanently like third party plugins, themes, customer codes, and some media file. After importing wordpress to squersapce your website design will not be look like the main one you need to do some optimization and redesign. we will see how to do that in the part of Redsign squerspace website.

What to do before moving from WordPress to Squarespace:

Before start converting WordPress to Squarespace is better to optimize your current URLs for better SEO optimization. Decide which content you want to keep and remove. This includes pages, blogs, and products if your website is an online store.

If you have a more complex website, you can use Google Analytics or Google Search Console to export all your page URLs and keep them for reference. You will need to check them once you’ve completed the migration.

Start by creating a spreadsheet or any application you find useful in each column title, including the next informaition, and fill them I recommend using your analytics tool for that to get the latest data.

  • The page or post title
  • Url
  • Meta description
  • Focus keywords are used for SEO 
  • Traffic
  • Rank position

SpreadSheet Example:

SpreadSheet how to do URL redirection and optimze seo title and meta description

That will help you do URL redirection and optimize your SEO. We will dive into that in the part of how to do URL redirections and optimze your Squarespace website SEO.

Before diving into the first step of the migration, make sure to update your current WordPress version and your theme and plugins and remove all unwanted content for an easy migration process, and you do not want to handle that while you redesign your website. Let’s now start with the first step to migrate WordPress to Squarespace. Make sure to complete reading and practice at the same time for a successful website migration.

Migrate WordPress to Squarespace In just a few steps with details

Step 1: WordPress website backup and export content from WordPress

Before exporting your content from WordPress, you need to do a website backup to ensure that you save a version of your website. If something unexpected happens during the migration process, you will have a backup for your website.

The best option to do a website backup on WordPress is by using plugins I recommend, such as UpdraftPlus or All-in-One WP Migration and Backup. In this guide, we will explain how to do a WordPress website backup using All-in-One WP Migration and Backup. And the same step applies to all website backup plugins.

To install the All-in-One WP Migration and Backup plugin on the left sidebar from the WordPress dashboard, go to plugins and click on Add New Plugin. Search for All-in-One WP Migration and Backup. Click on install and activate:

how to do wordpress website backup All-in-One WP Migration and Backup step 1

To create a backup on the left sidebar, hover over All-in-One WP Migration and Backup and click on Backup. Then click on caret a backup. It will take some time to finish backing up your website. After finishing, don’t forget to download your backup and make sure to save it.

how to do wordpress website backup All-in-One WP Migration and Backup step 2

There is another option, which you can do manually, but it is a little bit advanced, and you should have some website management skills to do it. Correctly, you can search for a tutorial on YouTube about that. However, using a WordPress website backup plugin is still the best option for small to medium websites.

After backing up your website, the next thing you will do in this step is export your WordPress content. Once you want to migrate WordPress to Squarespace, you need to export all content.

After backing up your website, the next thing you will do in this step is export your WordPress content. Once you want to migrate WordPress to Squarespace, you need to export all content.

From your WordPress dashboard on the left sidebar, click on Tools and choose Export. Click on export all content and download. The file name will come like this: websitename.wordpress.dateofexport, which is the file that you will import to Squarespace’s new website, but before that, let’s see in the next step how to create a Squarespace website.

export content form wordpress step 1
export content form wordpress step 2

Step 2: Create Squarespace Website

Before you import WordPress to Squarespace site, you need to create a Squarespace website. If you already have a website on Squarespace, jump directly to step 3, How to Import WordPress to Squarespace.

Squarespace offers a 14-day free trial, which allows you to use the platform without any cost to start creating your website. After that, you have to purchase one of the Squarespace plans to keep using the platform and keep your site alive. I recommend finishing the migration process and testing your website, then purchasing the plan that you find fitting your site requirements..

To create a Squarespace website, enter Squarespace and click on Get Started.

How to create squarespace website step 1

In the next step, Squarespace offers 2 options that you can choose from to start creating your website: either using one of Squarespace’s professional templates or creating one with AI. You are free to choose whatever you find best for your choices. I recommend choosing a Squarespace template that fits your website design look.

How to create squarespace website step 2

As in this example, I am choosing this template because it fits my website needs. It is better to do your research before choosing any template. 

image show how to choose a Squarespace template

After choosing your templates, you will end up in the Squarespace dashboard, where you can see your new website, all its content, and settings. We are not done yet because we have to redesign everything to make sure that our website looks the same as the previous one or even better. Before this step, we need to import our content from WordPress to Squarespace. That is what we will see in the next step. import WordPress to Squarespace

Squarespace website dashboard

Step 3: How To import WordPress to Squarespace

Before I explain how to import WordPress to Squarespace, there are things that you can import automatically and things you can’t. Let’s start with the content that you can import:

The content that you can import includes blog posts, pages, some images, and basic SEO data. Make sure that importing WordPress to Squarespace will not make your website as it is on WordPress; you need to redesign it.

To import wordpress to squersapce on your dashboard click on settings

How to Import wordpress to Squarespace step 1

Choose the import & export content section

How to Import wordpress to Squarespace step 2

Click on Import and choose wordpress

How to Import wordpress to Squarespace step 3
Import wordpress to Squarespace step 4

There are 2 options to import WordPress to Squarespace: Basic and Advanced. Once you export your content from WordPress, you have to choose the advanced option to make sure that all your content from the WordPress website is transferred to Squarespace correctly.

Click on Add File and select the file that you exported from WordPress. Click on “Begin Import.” It will take a few minutes to import all the content on your Squarespace website successfully.

How to Import wordpress to Squarespace step 5

Importing it will take a few minutes to finish for sure. Your website will look different and messy; it needs maintenance and rebuilding. We will dive into that in the next step. Now let’s see how you can handle the content that you cannot transfer automatically from WordPress to Squarespace.

Here are some elmenets that do not tranfer automatically and need to be handle manually:

Content from Plugins (Forms, Widgets, Custom Features…)

Since Squarespace doesn’t support WordPress plugins, you need to rebuild these features using Squarespace’s built-in tools for example:

Forms: Use Squarespace’s Form Block (under “Add Block” → “Form”)
Custom Widgets: Try using Code Blocks to manually add missing functionality.
Third-party integrations: If you used plugins for marketing or analytics, check Squarespace Extensions for alternatives.

Themes & Design

Your WordPress design won’t transfer, so you need to customize a Squarespace template. For that, as I said, choose a template close to your old site’s style. Recreate your homepage, menus, and layouts using Sections & Blocks. Adjust fonts, colors, and spacing. We will dive into some basics of that in the part of redesigning your website.

Gallery Images & Media Library

WordPress media files that are not used on any of your pages or posts aren’t imported automatically; you must download all images from the WordPress Media Library and re-upload them in Squarespace using Image Blocks or Gallery Blocks.

Custom Post Types & Shortcodes

Custom post types (like testimonials and portfolios) and WordPress shortcodes don’t work in Squarespace; you need Rebuild custom post types using Squarespace’s Blog or Summary Blocks. Replace shortcodes manually (for example, instead of [button], add a Button Block), and if shortcodes appear as plain text, delete or replace them with Squarespace features.

WooCommerce to Squarespace Commerce

If you are using WooCommerce your  products won’t transfer automatically you must Export products from WordPress (WooCommerce → Products → Export CSV) and Import them into Squarespace via Commerce → Inventory → Import → CSV Upload. Manually set up product variations, images, and pricing in Squarespace Commerce.

Membership Sites

If you had a membership site, Squarespace won’t migrate accounts. Manually set up membership pages using Squarespace Member Areas, Recreate user access levels and invite members via email
and Consider using third-party integrations for advanced memberships.

By following these steps, you will be able to import WordPress to Squarespace while ensuring no essential elements are lost in the transition. Now it’s time to design your website and maintain your website structure and content. That’s what we will dive into in the next step: how to design your website for the best look.

Step 3: Redesign your website for a better look

After finishing importing WordPress to Squarespace, you need to optimize and redesign your website on Squarespace. I recommend that if you are a newbie, you try to watch some tutorials on YouTube about how to create a Squarespace website that will help you more practically to rebuild your website or hire a professional website designer that can do the work for you without wasting your time.

Now you need to enter to your website pages from the dashboard; click on pages in the left sidebar.

optimize and redesign your website on Squarespace step 1

Your imported content will look like this: The pages above are for the Squarespace template, and the ones that are below are for the content that you will import from WordPress. If your imported content does not show, just refresh the page. You should remove all the pages that are not from the imported content. Hover on the page that you want to remove and click on the gear icon that will appear beside the page title. A popup will show; scroll down and click on Delete Page.

optimize and redesign your website on Squarespace step 2

After removing the Squarespace template pages, you need to enable the imported one to know that a page is disabled; it will show in the gray color, and to enable any page, hover over it and click the gear icon beside the page title.

optimize and redesign your website on Squarespace step 3

From the popup that will show, scroll down and click on Enable Page and save now the page is alive. The next thing you need to do is edit your pages and redesign them.

image shows how to enbale Squarespace page

To edit a page, click on edit. Squarespace is one of the easiest website page builders. It is simple to use with a drag-and-drop editor; you can edit any section on your page easily.

optimize and redesign your website on Squarespace step 4

To make a change on any page, select the section that you want to edit and click on Edit Section, then start optimizing as you want. As I said before, if you are a beginner with Squarespace, I recommend watching a tutorial about it, or if you need any help, just contact me. I would be happy to help you design your website. Let’s now see how to edit your Squarespace website title and logo.

image show how to edit a Squarespace page

To edit your Squarespace website title and logo, click on any page from the dashboard sidebar, click on edit > edit site header, and click on edit site title & logo.

image show how to edit Squarespace header
image show how to edit Squarespace title and add logo

From the menu that shows, enter your title and upload your website logo. If you scroll below the menu, Squarespace allows you to add different logos for mobile. Read more about how to add a logo to a Squarespace site with details.

image show how to edit Squarespace title and add logo 2

We are not done yet with redesigning your website. Let’s take a look at how to change the Squarespace website color and fonts.

Back to your Squarespace dashboard and click on styles in the left sidebar. From there, you can change anything you want for your website style, like themes, colors, buttons, and fonts. Just click on any section you want to change and start making changes to the settings of that section. After you are done, click save in the top corner.

image show how to edit Squarespace website colors and fonts

I mention here just some basic designs you can do to redesign your website. The best practice you can do is check one of the full Squarespace tutorials on YouTube and follow them step by step. I am sure you will end with good redesign results.

In the next step, we will talk about URL redirects and SEO optimization, which are two of the necessary things you need to do in this WordPress to Squarespace migration. You don’t want to lose any traffic and let any page or post be not found. We will dive into this in the next step to make your move from WordPress to Squarespace successful.

Step 4: Squarespace URL 301 redirection and SEO optimization

Squarespace and WordPress have different URL structures. After you import your content from WordPress to Squarespace, you need to make changes to the page URLs.

For example, if your about page URL is, it should be the same URL in your about page on Squarespace.

In the blog posts, it is different on Squarespace; every blog post URL should be like in this strecture:

If you use the example of the Excel sheet that I explain above in the preparation steps, it will make you do those changes fast and easy, so make sure to do it because you will not only change your URLs but optimze your pages and posts titles and meta descriptions.

To change a Squarespace page URL and title from your dashboard, click on Pages, then click on the gear icon beside your chosen page from the menu that pops up as in the image below. You can make all the changes that you prefer on your page title, navigational title, and slug title, which is your page URL, like Once you finish changing, click on save in the corner. 

image show how to change a Squarespace page URL and title

URLs Redirection:

Migrate WordPress to Squarespace; it will affect your URLs. To solve this, you need to do a URL redirect that helps forward visitors away from inactive or deleted pages to active ones, ensuring they get the page that they are looking for.

For this we will use the 301 redirects which will conert the inactive URL to the active ones as well as make the search engine know your active urls and index them.

To create a 301 redirect, go to your Squarespace dashboard, click on the settings icon on the left sidebar, choose Developer Tools (the last option on the settings menu), and click on URL Mapping.

On the square field, the URL 301 redirect should be in this format:

/old-url -> /new-url 301

here is an example of the URL that I will use old URL /how-to-make-pizza-2024new URL /how-to-make-pizza-2025

My 301 redirect format it will be like this:

My 301 redirect format it will be like this:

/how-to-make-pizza-2024 -> /how-to-make-pizza-2025 301

image show how to do url mapping on Squarespace

This URL redirection example applies to the pages if you want to do a URL redirection for a blog post or any item on your website; each one uses a different format. I recommend you visit this article from Squarespace about URL redirection; it will help you set up your URL mapping.

Title and Meta description optimizaition

Let’s start with how to update your SEO details on the home page. From your Squarespace dashboard, click on Settings > Marketing > SEO Appearance. In the search appearance, choose Home and your site title; it will be the title of the website that you change from the header. below You can put your meat description on the home page and click save.

image show how update SEO details on squearspace home page

For other pages like the blog, about, or contact page to edit the SEO title and meta description, choose pages from the sidebar in the dashboard, click on the gear icon beside the page title, and choose SEO from the page settings menu. From the popup, you can make changes to your site title and meta description, and don’t forget to click on save. 

image show how update SEO details on squearspace blog posts

To change the title and meta description for a blog post, click on your blog page, and from the sidebar, choose the post that you want to change and click on settings and choose SEO from the blog settings menu. As you did for the other pages, change your title and meta description for the keyword that you work on to optimze your SEO.

image show how to update SEO details on squearspace blog posts step 1
image show how to update SEO details on squearspace blog posts step 2

Don’t forget to use proper header tags (H1, H2, H3) to structure your content clearly for both users and search engines. Ensure your H1 includes the focus keyword, and use H2s and H3s to break down topics while incorporating related and long-tail keywords naturally.

Optimize images by adding alt text with relevant keywords to improve accessibility and rankings. Keep content informative, engaging, and aligned with search intent, ensuring readability and keyword variation without overstuffing.

Step 5: Transfer domain from WordPress to Squarespace

Moving your domain to Squarespace is an Indispensable step to migrate wordpress to Squarespace and can be tricky if you don’t know how. You have two options to move your domain to  Squarespace: Transfer a domain or Connect it to your website. Transferring a domain to Squarespace means that you will manage the domain in Squarespace instead of the domain provider platform. You have to follow many steps to transfer your domain to Squarespace, and it takes about 15 days to complete the process. The Article Below from Squarespace shows everything about transferring your domain; it is the best resource I find to help you transefr domain from wordpress to squarespace.

Transferring a domain to a Squarespace site

Connecting your domain with Squarespace might be a good option for most people, especially if you are happy with your domain provider and it doesn’t take that long to connect your domain with Squarespace.

Connecting means redirecting the domain to your Squarespace website from your current domain provider, like GoDaddy, Namecheap, WordPress, etc., and it will work fine with Squarespace. You can follow the steps below to connect your domain.

First, enter settings and click on Domains & Emails > Domains

Then Click on USE A DOMAIN I OWN

Here, enter the domain that you want to connect to your Squerspace website

As you see Squarespace gives me 2 options in the domain I entered Squarespace shows that the recommended option is to transfer the domain because it respects the platform’s requirements. Once I want to connect my domain I will choose the second option

now choose your domain provider and click on Connect Domain

The last step is to manage your DNS settings. Fill in the info based on your third-party domain provider in this article from Squarespace. It explains everything you need to know about connecting your domain. Make sure to check to set up everything correctly.

Note: Most domains connect to a site in 24 hours, but it can sometimes take up to 72 hours.

Bonus step—test your website before going live:

That’s all about how to convert WordPress to Squarespace. I hope this WordPress to Squarespace migration helps you, and I am sure you will handle everything by yourself. If not, or if you find any part hard, visit my migration website for Squarespace service, and I would be happy to help you. You will get a free consultation, and I will guide you if moving from WordPress to Squarespace is right for you, and you will get a huge discount on the service. Check it now:

Before making your Squarespace website live, it’s essential to test everything to ensure a smooth user experience and SEO performance. Let’s dive into the things that you need to check before publishing your website:

1. Double-check your pages and links to see if all are set up correctly. Check if there are any broken links; you can use an online broken link checker or manually review all links.

2. Verify Forms  Test contact forms to confirm they are sending submissions correctly. If using Squarespace’s built-in form block, ensure form submissions go to the right email or connected service.

3. Before lunch, make sure your website is mobile responsive. Check your website on different mobile versions and tablets and see if it is responsive. If there are any changes that you need to make, click on the website from the left sidebar, choose style, and make sure you select the mobile version in the corner above the page style.

4. Set Up Google Analytics. It is an important step if you want to trace your traffic and know how your website performs, and don’t forget to index your website on Google Search Console and Bing. Submit your new Squarespace sitemap.xml under Search Console and Sitemaps

NOW, Your website is ready to go again. If you do not understand something about how to migrate WordPress to Squarespace, feel free to contact me. I will help you.


Can I move my WordPress to Squarespace?

Yes, you can move your WordPress site to Squarespace, but the process involves transferring your content, not the design. Since WordPress and Squarespace are fundamentally different platforms, your website’s appearance will not carry over automatically. Instead, you’ll need to use Squarespace’s tools to recreate your design.

Key elements like pages, posts, and media can be imported, but features dependent on plugins or custom code may not be supported. It’s important to remember that this migration focuses on transferring content, while the design will need to be rebuilt within Squarespace’s framework.

Should i switch from wordpress to Squarespace?

It depends on your goals and technical skills. Squarespace is ideal for simplicity, offering an all-in-one platform that’s easy to use, while WordPress provides more flexibility, customization, and scalability for advanced features. If you’re looking for control over every aspect of your site and don’t mind a learning curve, WordPress might be the better choice. However, if you prefer a straightforward setup with less maintenance, sticking with Squarespace could be the way to go.

Can I move my website from WordPress?

Yes, you can move your website from WordPress to another platform, such as Squarespace, Wix, or Shopify. The process typically involves exporting your content (like pages, posts, and media) and importing it into the new platform.

However, keep in mind that your design, custom plugins, and certain features may not transfer directly due to differences in how platforms work. You’ll likely need to rebuild your site’s appearance and functionality using the tools available on the new platform.

Do I Own My Website on Squarespace?

Yes and no. While you own the content you create on Squarespace (like text, images, and videos), the platform itself owns the tools, templates, and underlying infrastructure. This means you don’t have full control over the technical aspects of your website, such as hosting or source code, and your site must operate within Squarespace’s ecosystem.

Should I use Fiverr to migrate my website to Squarespace or try to do it myself?

If you’re looking to migrate WordPress to Squarespace and don’t feel confident handling the process yourself, using Fiverr can be a great option. You’ll find professionals who specialize in Fiverr migrate website to Squarespace services, ensuring a smooth transition without losing content, SEO value, or design quality. However, if your website is simple and you’re comfortable with technical tasks, you can follow our step-by-step guide to complete the migration yourself.